
This privacy policy sets out how Aqavive Pty Ltd (‘Aqavive’) handles your personal information. Personal information is any information about you where your identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained, from the information.

Our privacy policy is based on openness. Where we request information from you, we will generally state the purpose(s) for its use and to whom it may be disclosed.

Our website may contain links to third party websites.  We are not responsible for the privacy policies of any third party websites.  We recommend that you review the privacy policy of each website you visit.

Collection of Personal Information

The amount of personal information we collect about you depends on how you interact with us.  We will collect personal information from you if you:

  • contact us through our website using an on-line form;
  • correspond with us, including by email;
  • contact us by telephone;
  • order a product;
  • make a product enquiry or lodge a complaint with our customer service team;
  • subscribe to our mailing list; or
  • enter a promotion or competition.

The type of personal information you may provide to us includes your name, address, email address, telephone, mobile phone number and credit card particulars.

By providing your personal information to us in this way, including by completing on-line forms and by email, you agree to the collection of that information in accordance with this privacy policy and as otherwise permitted under the Privacy Act.

We collect personal information from you to deliver our services to you, including to:

  • improve our products and services;
  • assist us forecast the future demand for our products;
  • send you direct marketing material by email or post;
  • analyse our website usage;
  • keep a record of our dealings with each other; and
  • comply with legal obligations.

If you do not provide us with your personal information, we may not be able to provide you with these services. You can generally visit our website without telling us who you are or revealing other personal information. However, remaining anonymous or using a pseudonym is not an option if it is impracticable for us to communicate with you that way or if we are required or authorised under Australian law (or a court or tribunal order) to only deal with individuals who have identified themselves.

Sensitive Information

We will only collect sensitive information from you (e.g. relating to race, ethnic origin, membership of political bodies, religion or trade unions, sexual preferences, criminal record) if you have given express consent to us to do so and the information is reasonably necessary for us to carry out our functions or activities; the use of this information is required or authorised under Australian law or a court or tribunal order; or the information is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of a legal claim.

Social Media

To customise your user experience on our website we may provide you with the opportunity to connect, access and/or interact with us using third-party social networking services, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, SnapChat and Pinterest. If you connect to these third-party social networking services or participate in one of our promotional campaigns, you are authorising Aqavive to access and use certain information from your social network profile, and any opinions or photographs you share on such forums. You can can adjust your privacy settings to control who has access to your information and you can cancel this service at any time by deleting the application from your social network account.

Disclosure to Third Parties

We recognise the trust you place in us and will not disclose information that personally identifies you to third parties unless:

  • you have given us your consent to do so;
  • it is necessary for us to do so to fulfil the primary purpose(s) for which we collected your personal information;
  • you would reasonably expect us to disclose it for a related purpose; or
  • we are required to do so by law.

Organisations which may receive your personal information may be involved in or conduct ancillary services, including:

  • mailing, shipping or courier operations;
  • repair and service agents;
  • information technology services, including website development and hosting;
  • legal, auditing, accountancy or other professional services;
  • promotions and competitions;
  • our insurance services;
  • website usage analysis

We take reasonable steps to ensure that these third parties respect privacy obligations in relation to the protection of your personal and sensitive information.

Direct Marketing

We may use personal information about you for the primary purpose of providing you with our services.  We may also use it for other purposes for which you might reasonably expect us to use that information.  This includes sending you information about new developments, products, services and special offers by post, telephone or any form of electronic communication. You authorise us to use any email address or other contact information you provide to us at any time for this purpose.

You agree and acknowledge that even if you opt out of receiving marketing material, we will still send you essential information that we are required to send you relating to the products we provide.

Cross Border Disclosure

If we disclose personal information in countries outside Australia, we will only do so taking reasonable steps to ensure compliance with applicable Australian data protection and privacy laws; and if we reasonably believe that the information will remain subject to principles for fair handling of the information which are substantially similar to the applicable Australian privacy laws.

Website data and cookies

When you visit our website the server may attach a “cookie” to your computer’s memory.  A “cookie” assists us to store information on how visitors to the site use it and the pages that may be of most interest.  This information may be used to provide users of your computer with information that we think may interest them.  If you choose, you could be able to configure your computer so that it disables “cookies” or does not accept them.


We will use all reasonable endeavours to keep your personal information in a secure environment, however, this security cannot be guaranteed.  Our procedures are designed to prevent your personal information being accessed by unauthorised personnel, lost or misused.  If you reasonably believe that there has been unauthorised use or disclosure of your personal information please contact us (see below).

If we no longer need your personal information, unless we are required under Australian law or a court or tribunal order to retain it, we will, take reasonable steps to destroy or de-identify your personal information in accordance with our document retention policy.

Access and Correction

We will take reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information which we collect, use or disclose is relevant, accurate, complete and up-to-date. We appreciate you assisting us by letting us know if your personal information has changed.

You have a right of access to most personal information we hold about you and the right to correct or update your personal information.  This right is subject to certain exceptions allowed by law.  To request access, please contact our privacy officer, whose contact details are set out below. We will need to verify your identity before meeting your request, which we may require in writing, and we will process it in a reasonable time.

Queries and Complaints

If you have any queries relating to our privacy policy, would like more detail as to our privacy practices or believe that a breach of this privacy policy may have occurred, you may contact our privacy policy by email, post or telephone as follows:

The Privacy Officer
Aqavive Pty Ltd

If we become aware of any ongoing concerns or problems, we will take these issues seriously and work to address these concerns with you.  If, however, you are not satisfied with our response, you may contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner on 1300 363 992.


From time to time, Aqavive’s policies will be reviewed and may be revised.  We reserve the right to change this privacy policy at any time and notify you by posting an updated version on our website at You will be deemed to have consented to such variations by your continued use of the site or our services following such changes being made.

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